英國語文科 ► Yearly Program Plan

2022-07-01 (星期五)

Hope is All Around Us: Promoting Positive Values on Campus

English Department, Homantin Government Secondary School\\\\


This year, our school-based English Week echoed the overarching theme of ‘Hope’ under the campaign on ‘Promoting Positive Values and Attitudes through English Sayings of Wisdom 2021/22’. In collaboration with the VA and PE Department, art work cum language arts creation lessons, yoga and meditation workshops, English Fun Day, video show, song dedication and film appreciation were all organized in the first week of August. This was all done to provide a positive and hopeful environment for our students, who deserve nothing but the best we can give. Our goal, to leave a lasting imprint on them that they are valued and there is always hope.

On the topic of Hope, let’s look at one of the cornerstones of that special week…


Tree of Hope

By Jason Kasseris


Nothing is greater than students putting their creative talents to work and teachers collaborating to guide them to new heights. During the last school year, A Moment in Time writing competition took place. Our Secondary 1 students were tasked with finding a quote of positivity and captioning it with how it is meaningful to them. Once that work was polished our English Department then collaborated with our Visual Arts Department to have those same students create a unique piece of art (drawn and coloured) to help visualise the quote. To top it all off, during our school’s Week of Hope we displayed the top student work on the Tree of Hope in our school lobby. That tree provided a unique student created space that had only positive messages for all who looked at it. It was a treasured experience for all involved.

After hearing about that wonderful collaboration between the English and Visual Arts departments, let’s see about a collaboration with the PE Department…


Yoga and Meditation Workshop

In collaboration with the PE Department, three yoga and meditation workshops were organized for senior form students. With the jam-packed schedule and tremendous study pressure students have in this era, it is believed that schools have the responsibility to equip students with skills to maintain their mental health to face all challenges. Let’s read what the teacher participant said about the course.


Ms LEUNG Ka-man had this to say: “Master Pooja is a well-experienced yoga teacher.  She could easily attract teenagers’ attention and arouse their interest in doing different postures.  In class, she helped students do different postures and asked them to practice them at home as well.  She let students know the fact that one’s effort would finally pay.  She highlighted to students, “No pain, no gain.”  Her strong passion and enthusiasm in yoga inspired our students.  She told students that the nature of yoga was “to stay positive, happy, healthy, and also to respect each other.”

Continuing with the arts, let’s see what happened with a special film viewing…

S3 Film Appreciation


By LEUNG Ka-man, Carmen

Movies are a great way to touch the human heart. Why not guide students to reflect about their lives and teach them how to face problems positively using films?


After reading the pre-show handout, all S3 students watched the film “Searching”.  As the film was compelling, with a very powerful narrative, all students watched it attentively in the hall.  After the film, students were asked to write down their feedback on a post-it about the film.  The feedback was posted on a display board for all to see. This meaningful and approachable activity was well embraced by the students and put on display in the school lobby.

Films are a worldwide favourite, so how can we top that? With fun and games using English!


English Fun Day

On the English Fun Day, eight booths were operated by students. S1 to S4 students participated in the games about positive energy. Additionally, some of the English ambassadors were trained to host the song dedication sessions. With music in the air, they enjoyed the activities and brought home the gift of positive thinking. Let’s listen to what an event helper, 6H Kwan Man Ho, Homan, had to say:


“These days, we live in a world in which pandemics and air pollution rage on. Under this never-ending pandemic, vitality in the cities has been long gone. In other words, I personally find people less positive nowadays. Thus, I really appreciate the opportunity for me to be a part of this English Fun Day. To begin with, it is crucial to understand the theme this year is more about positivity, strength and sayings of wisdom. So when I got to join those activities, I was able to perceive the message behind, and kind of found sort of an answer or resolution to my doubts. And I was able to take that answer, and turn it into something positive.

 何文田官立中學  Homantin Government Secondary School
 地址: 九龍何文田巴富街8號
 Address: 8 Perth Street Homantin
 電話(Tel): 27112680
 傳真(Fax): 27142846
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