English Debating Team

Reflections from students and alumni

Lui Wing Lam (Captain, 2013-14)

English debate brings me a fulfilling school life. I did try my best to prepare for every match despite the exhaustion and, sometimes, frustrations, because coaches and my team members are always by my side. In this big family, not only are we united, but also everyone of us plays an important role.
From friendly competitions to Sing-Tao Debate, you know how touching it is to see myself improve from matches to matches? A strong sense of gratification, moreover, is built up through all the experiences. A little timid girl has now become more confident in public speaking.
I am indebted to my English Teacher, Mrs Lai, who invited me to join the team when I was in secondary four. Without her invitation, I will never “taste” the exhilaration of English Debate! Though I do not go to trainings this year owing to the public exam, my passion in debate never dies. For sure, I will definitely join more debates at university in the future. And fellow members: work hard and play hard! Rock out the competitions ahead! Support you guys as always!

Fong Hei Tung (Vice captain, 2013-14)

Looking back to my school life, I was honored to be the vice-captain of our school’s English Debating Team. When I was in Form 4, I joined the English Debating Team and I had never tried any debating competitions before which made me feel absolutely anxious at the very beginning. Luckily enough, everything turned out to be quite good and I was even chosen to be the vice-captain of the team in Form 5. Playing such an important role, I was responsible for managing the whole team as well as contacting other members. Without doubt, it enhances my leadership skills, but most importantly, it also improves my English in different aspects. All in all, I have had a really good and fun time in debating and I hope everyone can do their best in the future!

Chu Pak Hey (Captain, 2012-13)

Having left the debating society for 2 years, memories of my past challenges in the debating field still spring out at times. Being in the debating team was by all means a life-changing experience as it sharpened my critical thinking skills and boosted my confidence. Delivering speeches in front of the audience might appear to be nerve-wrecking; yet, one should regard it a precious opportunity to strive for improvements. Throughout the preparations of the debates, you will be able to view issues in multiple perspectives and to truly delve into the controversial topics amongst our society. I can guarantee the skills, namely language proficiency, confidence and so on, which you can acquire from the debating team will no doubt benefit you in multifaceted aspects for the rest of your life. Equip yourself with the best and strive for success. Hesitate no more and come and join us now.

 何文田官立中學  Homantin Government Secondary School
 地址: 九龍何文田巴富街8號
 Address: 8 Perth Street Homantin
 電話(Tel): 27112680
 傳真(Fax): 27142846
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